Film and Television Production | Undergraduate

Our Story

Students in Film Production at HU

Film and Television Production students study all aspects of the filmmaking process, from development, pre-production and production, through post-production and distribution. In addition to expanding students’ practical skills in scriptwriting, editing, producing, cinematography, documentary film production and directing, this comprehensive program includes coursework that examines the historical and theoretical framework of cinema and television from a global and cultural perspective. This course of study culminates in a senior thesis in which students may choose to deliver a screenplay/teleplay or produce a short film. Film and Television Production students have won prestigious Princess Grace, Paul Robeson Student Awards, and Emmy Awards for their work.

2024 Howard Thesis Showcase

Our Highlights

Faculty Spotlight

Our Iconic Alumni

Arthur Jafa, Class of 1983

Arthur "AJ" Jafa, Class of 1983 is a renowned video artist and cinematographer. His work on Dash's Daughters of the Dust (1991) won "Best Cinematography" Award at Sundance. He won the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale (2019) for "The White Album".

"Wildcat" (2013) by Kahlil Joseph - Shot by Malik Hassan Sayeed, Class of 1990

Cinematography by Malik Hassan Sayeed, Class of 1990

Bradford Marcel Young, ASC, Class of 1999

"Exploring Visual Style" with Cinematographer Bradford Marcel Young, Class of 1999 . He became the first African-American cinematographer to be nominated for an Academy Award for his work on Arrival (2016).

Film and Television Production | Undergraduate


Srikanth Nandigama (Primary Contact)

Sequence Coordinator
Assistant Professor

Ingrid Sturgis

Department Chair
(202) 806-7357

Program Details

  • Degree Classification: Undergraduate
  • Program Type: Major
  • Length: Four years


Howard University Ranked by Hollywood Report as one of the 25 Best American Film Schools