Tech Center
About the Tech Center
The Tech Center exists primarily to serve the academic programs in the Cathy Hughes School of Communications. The Camera Center consists of the Canon Camera shop to equip students with all of the necessary equipment to complete approved assignments; and the Helpdesk to address professor and student classroom needs, such as: cables, connectors, power and other classroom needs. As an important component in the education of our students, we believe it is our responsibility to foster a production culture by creating an environment that closely mimics what our students may face upon graduation.
Student must read and sign the Howard University School of Communications approved "Statement of Responsibility" form before picking up equipment and attached with the reservation.
The Cathy Hughes School of Communications at Howard University offers equipment checkout services for its students. The equipment room is located in room 200-E on the 2nd floor of the MET Building and has a variety of A/V and production equipment available for short term loan to CHSOC students. The equipment available for checkout includes DSLR cameras, camcorders, hand-held audio recorders, light kits, microphones, and tripods, among other items. Click here to go to the image gallery.
The Tech Center is open on certain days and times, is closed on days when classes do not meet and over holiday breaks, and on weekends. Students and Faculty members of the School of Communications may make reservations for equipment.
Hours of Operation (Fall and Spring Semesters):
Monday: 12pm-6pm Pickup & Drop-offs
Tuesday: 12pm-6pm Returns & Workshops
Wednesday: 12pm-6pm Pickup & Drop-offs
Thursday: 12pm-6pm Returns & Workshops
Friday: 12pm-6pm Pickup & Drop-offs
Make reservations for equipment use the links below:
- Student Equipment Reservation Link - Click Here.
- Professor Equipment Reservation Link - Click Here
Please allow at least 24 hours' notice to prepare your reservation in the Tech Center. Only approved students are able to checkout equipment, and they must have a valid student ID and agree to the terms of the Equipment Checkout Policy. The policy includes prompt return of equipment, accepting that failing to return equipment on time will negatively impact course grade, paying for any damages or loss of equipment, and using the equipment solely for course work and not personal use or financial gain. The hours of operation, contact information, and additional information are provided on this website.
The MET Building
300 Bryant St NW,
Rooms 200E
Washington D.C., 20001
Director: Clifton Jones
Phone: (202) 806-6670
TECH Center Checkout Policy Terms of Use:
1. Students must have their professor's approval to pick up equipment.
2. Students will assume liability for all equipment approved by their professors to check out and must sign the "Statement of Responsibility" form.
3. Students must return all equipment in the same working condition and on schedule for full credit on projects.
4. Students must adhere to the Statement of Responsibility to use the equipment requested.
5. Students must be trained and have knowledge of the equipment before pickup; otherwise, pickup will be delayed, and the student will be asked to consult with their professors for next steps.
6. Students can only select the equipment for their specific class and project.
7. Reservations are only to be made to work on school-related projects.
8. Students must read and adhere to Covid-19 Protocols in the Bison App and show proof to Tech Center.
9. Be respectful of your classmates and the greater Howard community.
10. Reservations are based on equipment availability.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How long can I keep my camera? Undergraduate students can checkout equipment for two of our operating days. Graduate students can checkout equipment for one week. If a student wants to renew their checkout, it can only be done in person and by making a new reservation. For example, equipment checked out on Monday is due Wednesday before 6pm and equipment checked out on Wednesday is due Friday before 6pm.
- How do I renew a checkout? Each recheck must be done in person with the equipment in hand for inspection. You can also receive a fully charged battery for certain items at this time. One recheck allows for a total of four days, which is enough time to complete a project.
- What happens if I cannot turn in my equipment in on the due date? If a student is late returning equipment to the Equipment Checkout Room, there is a $20/day LATE FEE and the student loses all checkout privileges. In addition, a return that is late may result in up to a letter deduction on the student's course grade. If equipment is a week late, we are required to report it as lost or stolen to the University Police Department. If you know your equipment will be late due to extenuating circumstances, please contact
- How many checkouts can I have? Students are allowed multiple checkouts throughout the semester for assignment or project use. Compliance with returning equipment on time will ultimately determine how many checkouts each student is allowed.
- Am I guaranteed equipment after making a reservation? Reservations are based on availability. Checking out equipment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are late for your reservation pickup there is a chance your equipment will be used to fulfill another student’s reservation.
- What if I'm unable to return my equipment on time due to extenuating circumstances? If there is an emergency, we need to know as soon as possible. Email and explain why you are unable to return equipment on time. Failure to contact equipment checkout before we open the next day may be grounds for denying your request.